Sunday, February 11, 2007

All It Takes is One Extra Degree

Recently I had a friend who shared with me a link to a 3-minute video. The video was called 212° and drove home a point about the difference between success and failure as being just 1°.

The video starts off stating,

"At 211° degrees, water is hot. At 212° degrees, it boils. And with boiling water, comes steam. And steam can power a locomotive."

It made me think about the times in my life where I turned up the "heat" for something that I really wanted. My first real job, pursuing baseball at the collegiate level, learning to play the trumpet or being left behind a year in band. It made me realize that the difference between my successes and failures, whether I got the most or fell short, was turning up my focus that extra degree.

This video (which is really the companion to the associated book) was created by Mac Anderson. Mac is the founder of Simple Truths and Successories, which is based in the Western Suburbs of Chicago.

News reports by CBS Chicago and The Chicago Tribune, have credited this book/video with motivating the Chicago Bears to their NFC Championship and first Super Bowl appearance since 1985.

According to the story, Insurance Executive and former NFL Player, John Wright, gave a copy of the 212° video to Charles "Peanut" Tillman (DB for Bears). Tillman who often spouts quotes when being interviewed, was moved by the video and book. He asked for additional copies to give to his fellow DB's and eventually copies made their way into every player and coach on the Chicago Bears.

Unfortunately, it appears that our Chicago Bears lacked that 1° at the Super Bowl last week, but it was a phenominal season and one to build on for 2007-2008.

This video is simply a promotion for the book 212° which is sold at the Simple Truths Web site, however the video is a great motivator and pick me up in 3-minutes time.

Enjoy the 212° Movie here and Go Bears in 2007-2008!

1 comment:

Norma said...

Great food for thought. You've inspired me to subscribe to The Simple Truth newsletter for more inspiration.

Thanks, Norma