Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Motivation is a 2-Way Street - A Look at a Different Type of Motivator

We use motivation as fuel to propel us towards accomplishing our goals. Though most people tend to rely on that inspirational movie, that up-beat song or quotes from their favorite book as fuel for their daily actions, I'm hear to tell you that motivation is a 2-way street.

They say that we are motivated by what we fear and what makes us happy. We gravitate towards joy and things we desire, or we drift away from what we fear. I've heard someone once say that motivation is like the pedals in your car. We move towards what we want (gas) and we retreat from what we fear (brake). Regardless of how you look at it, when applied properly, both can lead to the same common goal.

We use books, songs, movies and quotes from famous authors that raise our adrenaline and excite us to reach for that "extra degree" to accomplish our goals. Maybe you hear Centerfield on the radio, and your desire to become a professional baseball player becomes ten fold. Maybe watching the movie "Hitch" gives you the inspiration to ask someone out, who you believe, doesn't know you exist. Maybe, everyday you start off with a quote that motivates you to work harder and educate yourself to reach the next level of success in your J.O.B. or personal business. These types of motivations give you the feeling that you can take on the world. They make you believe you can accomplish anything. They are the fuel that propels you towards your desires and what makes you happy.

However, what can be just as motivating are reminders of the consequences of not achieving your goals. We fear complacency, so we move on. We're afraid of not attaining our goals, because we didn't go that extra mile. We refuse to give up, because we already know what our life is like in that direction. Things that remind us of what's important and the fear of not having them, can be just as motivating, if not more so, than that up beat song that raises our adrenaline.

Last week, I wrote about a motivational 3-minute movie called "212 - The Extra Degree" and how it helped to inspire the Chicago Bears through their successful season. This week I was motivated by a different type of movie from the makers of 212. However, this movie doesn't motivate in the same way. No... This is much deeper. This movie is intended to strike deep into your core, stir your soul and ensures that you never forget "why" you do what you do; or never take for granted the time you spend with those you love.

This movie is a flashback at how we've subtly influenced the lives (in particular children) around us in our journey. But at the same time, it is a flash forward, to remind us that our work is not yet done; it is only beginning. We still have plenty of lives that we can affect, and now that we know the role we play in the lives of others, we can accomplish exponentially what we did in our past. I urge you not to look at this movie as an ending and a trip down memory lane, but as a new beginning with the knowledge of knowing how much of a difference you will make going forward.

If you've ever said, "if only I knew than, what I know now", well now you know. So go make a difference!

Best Wishes in Happiness and Health in 2007!

Disclaimer: I shouldn't have to make this disclaimer, but this is for those who simply think the world is always trying to get one up on them. Please know that I am not affiliated with this company or its products in any way (not that it should matter). I simply was inspired and want to share with my friends, family and colleagues.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Well all need motivation and inspiration to keep us going...and thy might come from various places...but they do help us from time to time...well on that note i'd also like you to visit my blog on Inspirational quotes and find out all that i've posted there!!!